
With over 70 years combined experience of the AgBag system

How we used to operate in the 90's Bedford towing  M9000 bagger How we used to operate in the 90's Bedford towing M9000 bagger

Bedford TM towing Aa10ft diameter bagger Bedford TM towing Aa10ft diameter bagger

We have been using the AgBag system for over 30 years and AgBag have always been a clear leader in silage bagging technology.

We have worked with all types and sizes of farm, accommodating farms from 10 acres to 2000 acres 

We developed our wetland harvesting system over the last 4 years working with the Department of Energy and Climate Change, harvesting nature reserves for the RSPB and Natural England. 

We have three fully trained mechanics and we do all our own repairs and maintenance, we stock nearly every spare part for each machine and always have a spare machine in the yard to ensure we can respond quickly to major breakdowns.